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Why I Started a Blog?

I graduated high-school this year and one of my senior year projects I had was to write 5 blog posts to reflect back on the last 4 years of high school. The posts were about my favorite song, a letter to my freshman year self, and the plans for my future, and more. It had been a long time since I truly had to sit and "reflect" about my life. It was just as cheesy as it sounds but honestly, this project was what lit the fire under me to start a blog. Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or water as I further explore what blogging means to me and what I want to do with it.

I had a really fun time writing about and expressing my emotions, ideas and experiences for this project. After being at home for almost 2 months, it was a breath of fresh air to be able to comb through certain events in my life and explore them deeper. And that is what I think blogging is.

Blogging is the raw skill at observing and interpreting several parts of our life, whether it be a big grandeur event, or just discussing your favorite character on your favorite TV show, and communicating it in an informal or formal conversational style. It's like meeting your friends over a cup of coffee and having a conversation over an important topic, which is almost very reminiscent of this blog's name ;).

The very art of blogging intrigued me and I realized that I wanted to start my own blog to share my own perspectives and experiences. Hopefully by doing so, there are people who can gain something and relate to the conversation and add their own perspective. Each human has a story to craft and share and I wanted to be able to tell a portion of mine through this blog. Whether it be discussing why the song "Leaves from the Vine" from Avatar the Last Airbender makes me do a little tear-bending to discussing my career path, I hope to connect with people and make someone smile. And that is why I started this blog.

To be completely honest, I am not sure where this is going. It could end great, or not so great and the outcome will come on its own. I am just ready to enjoy the ride for as long as I can, creating content, and cultivating conversations. Hope you enjoyed this little read and remember a cup of coffee is all it takes to create that conversation!

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