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A Cup of Coffee!

Updated: Jul 10, 2020

one of my favorite drinks to order from my local coffee shop
Chocolate and Caramel Javiva

During my junior and senior year of high school, until COVID-19, I spent almost every weekend at my local coffee shop. I would stay there for about 3 -4 hours, order a latte or hot drink and do my school work. It was productive yet peaceful and most of the times, the highlight of my weekends. .

Spending time at my local coffee shop showed me how conversations can be created through just a cup of coffee.I would see people of all ages in the shop, laughing, talking and bonding. Families would come in, order their drinks (usually hot chocolate for the kids), and then sit for the next hour or so where the the kids were giggling and the parents were trying to shush them or would laugh along with their jokes. Teenagers would enter in 4-5 people groups with their 10 pound textbooks, computer and several notebooks, order a caffeinated drink or hot tea, and then proceed to work on their homework assignments while simultaneously cracking jokes or ranting about life to one another. I also saw the elderly stroll in, usually on a Sunday morning, order their drinks and then sit around the table to talk and update each other about their lives. All of these moments that I observed showed me how a simple coffee shop was sometimes how people took the time to connect with each other. A cup of coffee is what it took to add value to one's day.

That is my vision for this blog. I want each post on this blog to feel like a conversation at the coffee shop. Blogging is something that I have wanted to do but never found the time too. However, ever since COVID-19 and quarantine, I have realized the importance of writing and communication with those around you or those you don't even know. I want to publish stories, podcast episodes, or photos that help you, as the reader, feel like this is something you can connect to and gain value from. . The content created can make you laugh out loud, think deeply, maybe even cry, although that is stretching a bit too far, just like a conversation over a a cup of coffee.

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