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An Ode to Art

To this day, I still do not know how to define art. Art is such an abstract concept and there are so many different parts to it. Art can be something super simple to interpret or can be complex too depending on anyone’s perspective. We are all also introduced to the concept of art from a young age and I am pretty sure that everyone has taken at least one “art” based class in school or outside. So what exactly is art and what does it mean?

To me, art is anything that people can create visually from their imagination and others can interpret how they see fit. Art is a visual representation of our imagination and anyone can create the type of art that they see fit. Art also comes in many different forms. I don’t think art should just be restricted to paintings, sketches, or sculptures. While those are forms of art, art can also be music or dance, graphic design, writing or blogging, DIY crafts and projects, fashion, photography and movies, and television. Art is just anything visual that shows a little bit about someone and gives a small glimpse of their mind. Not one person is good in all forms of art, but we can each find a medium that fits us best.

I think everyone is artistic whether or not they think so. As history shows, some people are more talented and successful than others in art, but I still think that art is something we can all share. We all have a knack for it because each person is creative in their own way. Some people will be more creative and have more success but that is any field. Even if you don't think you are creative or artistic, I urge you to try any of the mediums because you will see one that fits. In the fast paced world that we live in today, I believe that everyone should have some sort of art to enjoy that keeps them grounded and calm.

I have always been an artistic person. Growing up I enjoyed coloring, painting, and drawing. I took art lessons as a kid and did pretty well. I enjoyed the way that the colors flowed across my page and blended together. I liked telling stories through my art. In 4th grade my teacher recommended me to join the writing club and my parents encouraged me to always have some sort of artistic medium to ground myself. My papers were generally filled with little sketches next to a math problem. As I grew older and more responsibilities piled on in high school, my connection to art drifted. Early mornings were spent reading textbooks and completing homework, afternoon was for school and more homework, and by night I was exhausted and drifted to bed. There was little room in my life to spend time creating. The only drawings I could do were little doodles all over my school notebooks and tests when I was exhausted or stressed.

Having a monotonous routine with little time to exercise my creative freedom, I was pushed to my limits and experienced burn out frequently. I was exhausted, unmotivated, and lazy, quite frankly. I decided that the only thing that could help me was a distraction. A distraction could come in any form: reading, drawing, writing, or even scribbling tiny symbols over my pages. I eventually made sure to take out at least 15-30 minutes of my day to focus on something creative. It proved to be effective because it helped keep my mind engaged, working and added a spark to my routine.

This year during quarantine, it was even more important to have that creative destruction. I was constantly wrapped up in the news, worrying about every little thing, and sitting at home made me feel isolated and took a toll on my mental health. The only way I could release the tension and stress building up inside me was through creative freedom. Whether it be writing a blog post to express my thoughts, working on a watercolor painting, dancing my heart out to my favorite beats or watching engaging tv shows like ATLA, all these activities kept me distracted and calm. It added some value to my day and helped me expand my thoughts. It also kept me grounded and calm. Having any sort of artistic activity was so important to do in these unsure and difficult times because it allowed people to find new passions or talents. And art is just that, fueling the human mind to be artistic beyond our imaginations.

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