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Some Positive Elements from Quaratine

We all know that 2020 has had some interesting aspects. There were some downs and ups, actually a lot of downs. However, as 7 months have passed (more than ½ the year is over yay!!), I have also told myself to look at the positives and appreciate the little things that I can experience. In the last blog post, I talked about some of the not so good parts of this pandemic, but I also wanted to highlight some of the good things that I have managed to do in this pandemic.

`Staying at home has given me infinite amounts of time to accomplish goals and learn things that I otherwise could not have learnt if I was still in school. I set out with a list of things that I wanted to do and fortunately I am slowly checking those things off. Accomplishing these goals gave me a sense of solace and helped keep me stable.

The first goal that I had in mind was to work on building my social media platforms and giving more attention to it. I had already started my podcast last summer but I was not consistent with it and only uploaded episodes when I had some free time and took breaks of 2-3 months. However, due to quarantine and the extra time I had, I started uploading episodes again in June after my school ended. So far, I have been consistently uploading episodes every week to the Little Seeds of Knowledge Podcast and it has been a lot of fun.

The second social media platform I have been working on is Youtube. I uploaded 2-3 videos on Youtube at the start of the year but homework and extracurricular had me tied down. Once the summer came around, I have started uploading on Youtube more consistently and have found a new love for filming, cinematography and editing. Youtube has allowed me to exercise my creativity to create content and for that I am always grateful.

Lastly, I want to discuss this blog. I have always wanted to launch a blog because I wanted a way to capture my experiences and discuss my thoughts. Quarantine gave me a plethora of time to finally sit down, come up with a blog idea, design the blog, launch it and now post, well, blogs! So far, I have enjoyed every single part of this process from the creation aspect of the themes, name and aesthetic to the writing of the blogs. I am very thankful for all the support I have gotten and cannot wait to see this blog prosper.

Quarantine has given me the opportunity to pursue different passion projects of mine that I otherwise would not have done without quarantine. The pandemic gave me the freedom of creativity to think for myself and what I wanted and that is something that I will always remember and appreciate.

Another positive element from the lock down was the time to connect with my family. During the school year and pre-lockdown routine, I had very few opportunities to spend time with my family. I would be caught up in school work, extracurricular and college tasks, my parents in their own professional lives and my sister was also busy with school. Pre-lockdown my family would be caught up in traveling between place to place and not home. We would have dinner 2 out of 7 days in the whole week and our day would run at our own pace. There was little togetherness. Now due to quarantine, we have dinner together everyday, go on walks 3-4 times a week, have game or movie nights and socialize often, sometimes way too much. Sure sometimes we drive each other crazy but I have not spent this much time with my family since freshman year of high school, and I am taking every moment that I have with a smile.

Overall, this pandemic has been tough but there are a lot of good things that I have been able to do due to this change in lifestyle. Even though this may not be the journey I expected, I am going to make the most of it.

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